Fred's Email...February 2019
Attended, my first, hypnosis session with Bob, at the Penticton Seniors Center; in early December 2018. Frankly; more curious; than, seeking to solve a problem. Also, skeptical, on my ability, to be hypnotized.
Surprised!, on both counts. With Bob's coaching; went, into deep hypnotic state easily. Through, his very "positive" suggestions, had wonderful sleep, with less anxiety and stress; during, the following weeks!!
About ,two sessions ago, he explained to the group, that our subconscious mind, can be compared to a cd disc. It has, little pieces of both, positive and negative memories on it. In my case, there was some negative memories; that, had bothered me, for years. Bob said, during this session, he would help; to alleviate, the negative subconscious thoughts. Well through, his hypnotherapy; he was extremely successful!! Subconscious negative memories, are gone; have not returned!!
Thank You!, Bob
You have made me a true, believer, in hypnosis therapy!